Step-by-step: How does registration work?

1. Go to the registration page. (If you have already participated at a previous Berlin Buzzwords, you only need to update your profile. For this you need to log on the landing page with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can reset it. On the main page you see the note “Berlin Buzzwords 2018: subscribe to event”, click on it and you will be asked "Are you sure you want to join the group Berlin Buzzwords 2018?". Click “Join”. You will return to the main page, click now on "Dashboard" and go to "Add Session" in order to submit your new abstract.)

2. You can already start to fill out your speaker profile. Please note that your speaker profile must be fully completed until February 14th, 2018 for your session to be accepted.

3. Choose your username. You need the username for your Log In.

4. Enter a valid e-mail address.

5. After completing the registration you will be forwarded to the home page again and receive an activation link via your submitted e-mail address. Please note that this might take up to 15 minutes depending on your e-mail provider and please also check your spam folder. Click the link and set a password.

6. In the menu you will find:

  • User Dashboard: Here you will find your profile information. Click edit and find your user account were you can change your e-mail address and password as well as your "Speaker profile" where you can edit and complete your speaker profile.
  • If you go to "Events > Dashboard" you can create a session proposal with > "Add Content" and simply fill out all fields related to your session proposal.

7. Go back to the User Dashboard by clicking “My account” and find your submitted proposal and may edit it as necessary under “My content”

8. Feel free to save and continue at a later date – but remember: your session needs to be completely filled out by February 14th, 2018.

9. Add speakers to your sessions. If you are planning on having several speakers in your session, all of them need to register and create a profile. Once you know their username, go to “My content” open the session, click “Edit” and add the usernames to the "Speaker(s)" field in the form.

10. Your session is completed and submitted on time! Or go back to Step 7 and submit more session proposals.
