Call for Submissions

I have already registered for a previous Berlin Buzzwords. Do I still need to create a new account?

No, you only need to update your account. Find the Log In Section in the right column of the landing page. Log in with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can reset it.

On the main page you see the note “Berlin Buzzwords 2017: subscribe to event”, click on it and you will be asked "Are you sure you want to join the group Berlin Buzzwords 2017?". Click “Join”. You will return to the main page, click now on "Dashboard" and go to "Add Session" in order to submit your new abstract.

Step-by-step: How does registration work?

1. Go to the registration page. (If you have already participated at a previous Berlin Buzzwords, you only need to update your profile. For this you need to log on the landing page with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can reset it. On the main page you see the note “Berlin Buzzwords 2018: subscribe to event”, click on it and you will be asked "Are you sure you want to join the group Berlin Buzzwords 2018?". Click “Join”.

When does the content of my session need to be ready?

Your talk needs to be final and complete on the day your are holding it. You do not need to send the final version to us before, however your short session description will be published online before the conference. In order to get readers interested in your session and make them come and see you talk, keep the description short (limited to 2,000 characters) but pack the most important points/ questions into it. 


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